Legacy Bowes Blog

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Meet our presenters for this year's Indigenous HR Skill Builder Conference


With our annual Indigenous HR Skill Builder Conference coming up around the corner, we wanted to introduce our speakers and share more about our workshops and facilitators.

The theme of this year’s event is Mino-Pimatisiwin – Live the Good Life. As such, our sessions will focus on community wellness, and setting values and missions. Read on to learn more.

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De-escalation training for front line employees


Legacy Bowes is always looking for ways to build capacity with our clients. We respond to client requests for training and HR support and can design and customize our offerings to clients’ needs. When we get a request that we do not have the expertise to deliver, we do our best to find a partner who can.

Following a client request for de-escalation training, Legacy Bowes made a connection with Krypteia Group International Canada (KGICA). They specialize in community and building safety planning, security audits, risk analyses, fire and disaster plans writing, hazard assessment, emergency response strategies and the implementation of subsequent recommendations.

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5 ways to improve team morale

team_highfive-min A smiling group of team members high fiving in a conference room

Did you know that some of the best ways to boost team morale include recognizing good work, developing team goals, and leading by example? It may sound simple on paper but developing good strategies that meet the unique needs of your team require a lot of work and a commitment to improve their working environment. 

Even with the right people and best intentions, team morale can sometimes take a downturn. And if you let it get bad enough, it can have catastrophic consequences for productivity and interpersonal relationships.

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Job search tips to help you find your next role 


Spring is almost here! For some that might mean trying something new, for others it could mean a new career, job, or company.   

We are currently experiencing a candidates' market, where there are more available positions then there are candidates. This could provide job seekers with the opportunity to be considered for a role that's a stretch or a step up. In these instances, it's important to make a great impression and make yourself stand out in a crowd. If you’re looking for some tips on how to do that, continue reading for some tactics that can help you on your search. 

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Donna Bilodeau named Vice President, Talent Acquisition Services


Legacy Bowes is pleased to announce that Donna Bilodeau has been promoted to Vice President, Talent Acquisition Services.

A dedicated, people-oriented leader with over 20 years of business management experience, Bilodeau joined Legacy Bowes 16 years ago when the Executive Search team was comprised of only a few individuals. Since then, she has been instrumental in building the Executive Search practice at Legacy Bowes.

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