Legacy Bowes Blog

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How to proactively address "quiet quitting"

The term “quiet quitting” has hit headlines in a major way. Not only has the hashtag #quietquitting been trending on TikTok, but major media outlets have also joined the conversation, expanding the discussion across mainstream media.

Quiet quitting is the concept where employees quit going above and beyond and only do what is required of them through their job descriptions. This comes in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and during a time when employees are re-evaluating what work could look like.

While some workplaces grapple with how to manage this trend, there are some things employers can proactively do to help with employee engagement and satisfaction. We have collected a list of topics and supports to assist employers.

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Navigating a Candidate-Driven Market

“Candidate-driven”, “candidate-favouring”, “candidate-short”, “employee’s market”, “labour shortage”, a “candidate’s market” … it doesn’t matter how you’re referring to it – if you’re trying to hire for your organization, you’ve most likely experienced the recent challenges in doing so. There is no doubt – candidates are in the driver’s seat, so what can you do to get in the shotgun seat?

Let’s take a look at ways you can ensure success when searching for candidates.

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Improving Workplace Culture

Your workplace culture affects everyone within it, as well as everyone who interacts with it. This makes having a good, healthy, and non-toxic culture so important!  

Workplace culture is made up of the values, attitudes, and behaviours of employees and leaders within your organization.  So, what is the difference between good and bad workplace culture? Let’s take a look at what negative aspects contribute to a toxic workplace culture, and what positive aspects can create a healthy workplace culture.

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Workplace Changes After COVID-19

Some hope to return to a pre-pandemic “normal” in the workplace, meanwhile continuing to embrace the changes and accommodations made during the pandemic can help retain employees and navigate current difficult situations.   

We’ve seen many changes in the workplace over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the very least, how employers have navigated it by accommodating their employees and tasks shows both tenacity and resilience. With many now returning to in-office work, let’s talk about what workplace changes have stuck, how to navigate them, and when Human Resources supports can assist in transitioning teams into the new normal.

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Barbara Bowes receives lifetime achievement award from CPHR Manitoba

Photo courtesy of Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Manitoba

Legacy Bowes co-founder Barbara Bowes became the most recent recipient of the prestigious Legacy Award from the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHR) Manitoba on June 1, 2022. This award recognizes HR Professionals who have personified community and corporate leadership, advanced the HR profession and inspired others toward success through their lived example.

The Professional Excellence Awards are organized by CPHR Manitoba and recognize individuals who apply their HR expertise to the objectives of their organization and the people they support.

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