Legacy Bowes Blog

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5 benefits to using Legacy Bowes for your recruitment needs


One of today's greatest business challenges is finding and hiring great employees. We are currently experiencing a candidate's market – there are more available positions than there are suitable candidates.  

Over the past few years, many businesses have experienced the shortage of qualified candidates on the job market. More so, hiring managers may not have the time or resources to find the best fit for the role, which can have a devastating impact on their bottom line.  

The talent acquisition team at Legacy Bowes can help take the guesswork out of hiring. Read on to discover why companies trust Legacy Bowes when it comes to sourcing and identifying top talent, and why you should consider using a recruitment firm when hiring.  

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Breaking down capacity development and why it's important



Edited by Kendra Hinton

 One of Legacy Bowes’ core tenets is to build capacity within the communities and organizations that we serve. But what does that mean, exactly?

Through our learning and development services, we assist and support communities and organizations in building capacity to further develop their organization. We help by providing real-life tools and techniques that can be immediately applied into peoples’ daily lives.

Read on to learn about what capacity development is, why it is so important, and how Legacy Bowes can help you on that journey. 

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Truth2Action, a Truth and Reconciliation initiative, officially launches

Truth2Action-Jennefer-Nepinak Jennefer Nepinak, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Reconciliation, speaking during the Truth2Action official launch on April 13, 2023.

The TIPI Group of Companies is pleased to announce the official launch of its Truth2Action initiative. This initiative focuses on the TRC Calls to Action and is aimed at improving the relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. With a mission of facilitating the healing process through increased understanding, respect, and collaboration, the Truth2Action team focuses on endeavors that promote truth-telling, justice, restitution, and addressing closing the economic gap.

Officially launched in the spring of 2023, this initiative offers support and guidance to organizations on their journey towards reconciliation through a number of programs.

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Meet our presenters for this year's Indigenous HR Skill Builder Conference


With our annual Indigenous HR Skill Builder Conference coming up around the corner, we wanted to introduce our speakers and share more about our workshops and facilitators.

The theme of this year’s event is Mino-Pimatisiwin – Live the Good Life. As such, our sessions will focus on community wellness, and setting values and missions. Read on to learn more.

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De-escalation training for front line employees


Legacy Bowes is always looking for ways to build capacity with our clients. We respond to client requests for training and HR support and can design and customize our offerings to clients’ needs. When we get a request that we do not have the expertise to deliver, we do our best to find a partner who can.

Following a client request for de-escalation training, Legacy Bowes made a connection with Krypteia Group International Canada (KGICA). They specialize in community and building safety planning, security audits, risk analyses, fire and disaster plans writing, hazard assessment, emergency response strategies and the implementation of subsequent recommendations.

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