Legacy Bowes Blog

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Saskatchewan's 2024 minimum wage increase


The minimum wage in Saskatchewan will increase to $15 per hour on October 1st, 2024.

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Disconnecting to reconnect: how to stop working on vacation


Drawing a clear line in the sand between work and vacation makes sure everyone enjoys the benefits of a little time off. It is so important to take time off from work, spend unhurried time with loved ones, re-charge, and gain new perspectives (especially if they are from the vantage point of a hammock).

Yet, many people have fallen into a pattern of working while on vacation. We are all too used to packing our laptops in our carry-ons and checking email on the beach. The pandemic and our subsequent hybrid work environments have blurred the lines between work and home even more, creating a situation where it can be a challenge for people to truly, effectively un-plug.

Read on for ways to disconnect from work while taking time off and set yourself up for relaxation.

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“Be back soon” – Best practices for managing employee leaves


As much as we try to distinguish them, work and personal life are innately tethered to one another. Things come up at work that will leak into our personal lives, and our personal lives will certainly seep their way into the workplace. To keep a healthy work-life balance, this sometimes requires employees to take a temporary of leave of absence from their job.

Read on to learn how to navigate these requests and what to do during the leave of absence.

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Terminating without cause under the Canada Labour Code – is it legal?


On February 1, 2024, the minimum requirements for notice periods regarding the individual termination of employees changed, with notice amounts now tied to the individual’s length of employment. These amounts are outlined below and are in addition to any severance amounts that the employee may be entitled to under the Canada Labour Code.

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Menstrual products now available in federally-regulated workplaces


Beginning December 15, 2023, the federal government implemented a requirement that all federally regulated employers are now required to provide pads and tampons to any employee who needs them while on the job at their workplace. 

Read on to find out more! 

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