Legacy Bowes Blog

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Contact Tory

Tory is a Senior HR professional with experience as a human resources consultant to small and medium businesses as well as First Nation clients. Prior to moving further into the field of HR, Tory was the operational and HR Manager of a large nation wide retail environment. Tory brings with her a strong customer service...

Contact Tory

Tory is a Senior HR professional with experience as a human resources consultant to small and medium businesses as well as First Nation clients. Prior to moving further into the field of HR, Tory was the operational and HR Manager of a large nation wide retail environment. Tory brings with her a strong customer service perspective, a background in project management, and full cycle HR with a workforce of over 600 employees. She is a strong relationship builder, and a detail oriented professional that enjoys assessing and creating strong systems to support humans resources in organizations. 


What you need to know about recording workplace conversations in Canada


Recording workplace conversations can be a sensitive and complex topic in Canada. With increased awareness about employee rights, privacy and the need for documentation, many wonder whether it’s legal or ethical to record discussions in the workspace.

In this article, we’ll explore the rights of both employers and employees, how such recordings can either help or hinder situations and the guidelines around bringing a support person to employee performance meetings.

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Disconnecting to reconnect: how to stop working on vacation


Drawing a clear line in the sand between work and vacation makes sure everyone enjoys the benefits of a little time off. It is so important to take time off from work, spend unhurried time with loved ones, re-charge, and gain new perspectives (especially if they are from the vantage point of a hammock).

Yet, many people have fallen into a pattern of working while on vacation. We are all too used to packing our laptops in our carry-ons and checking email on the beach. The pandemic and our subsequent hybrid work environments have blurred the lines between work and home even more, creating a situation where it can be a challenge for people to truly, effectively un-plug.

Read on for ways to disconnect from work while taking time off and set yourself up for relaxation.

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Asserting your assertiveness


How nurturing this nuanced skill can transform your working world

Being assertive is a valuable skill. Think of the magnanimous bounty hunter Han Solo in Star Wars or the magical Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series—both exude confidence, they say what they mean, they’re trusted allies, and they’re successful in achieving their life goals.

In the working world, being assertive is an equally valuable competence. Assertiveness does not mean being aggressive or domineering – it means expressing your thoughts, needs, and expectations in a confident, respectful, and constructive manner. It means being present and listening actively. It means believing in yourself and staying steady in the face of adversity.

None of this is easy, though, and does not always come naturally (like for Han or Hermione) … nurturing your assertiveness is an exercise in nuance. By mastering this skill, you will feel more comfortable with the choices you make and create a positive work environment that fosters effective communication and productivity.

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Curbing a culture of complainers


No one likes a complainer. They are thought to be looking for the negative in any situation, clouding the mood of the company, and enticing an audience to share in their woes. It can feel like they are always trying to dial down the positivity of whatever room they’re in.

There are, however, different kinds of complaints – and different kinds of complainers. By examining the benefits of these bellyachers, a culture of complainers can be successfully transformed into a meaningful source of innovation for your workplace.

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Workplace Changes After COVID-19

Some hope to return to a pre-pandemic “normal” in the workplace, meanwhile continuing to embrace the changes and accommodations made during the pandemic can help retain employees and navigate current difficult situations.   

We’ve seen many changes in the workplace over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the very least, how employers have navigated it by accommodating their employees and tasks shows both tenacity and resilience. With many now returning to in-office work, let’s talk about what workplace changes have stuck, how to navigate them, and when Human Resources supports can assist in transitioning teams into the new normal.

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Do You Need to Investigate?

Although human resources professionals spend a lot of time building structures, policy, processes, and procedures, we have to admit that we also spend a great deal of time navigating the gray of human behaviour and how to deal with issues when they arise. While there are judgement calls that need to be made when dealing with people, those decisions should be consistent, fair, and defensible.

At no time is this more true than when confronted with a workplace complaint.

There are many different complaint or grievance procedures that any business or organization could follow. When deciding on your course of action, there are a couple of factors you should keep in mind.

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How compensation frameworks help employers navigate wage demands

COVID-19 has removed many people from the workforce. Whether they are retiring or joining the gig economy, the results are the same: less people are applying for available positions and candidates are asking for higher compensation packages.

Driven by news reports and the high Consumer Price Index, existing employees are also asking for more in compensation. 

These scenarios are putting employers in a tough spot. Balancing the wish to hire and retain fantastic people who can move the organization forward with wanting to keep a lid on payroll costs can lead to tough decisions with lasting consequences.


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WORKING With Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccine

Legacy Bowes has been receiving many questions about mandatory vaccinations in the workplace. The topic is especially pertinent for Indigenous communities who have passed Band Council Resolutions or Bylaws to require all people who enter the community to be vaccinated. This raises issues about Human Rights, personal health information, health and safety, and job requirements. Legacy Bowes has spoken with Shawn Scarcello from Cochrane Saxberg Barristers & Solicitors, in order to clarify both employee and employer rights. We have set it up to answer the frequently asked questions from Indigenous clients.

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