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Truth2Action, a Truth and Reconciliation initiative, officially launches

Truth2Action-Jennefer-Nepinak Jennefer Nepinak, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Reconciliation, speaking during the Truth2Action official launch on April 13, 2023.

The TIPI Group of Companies is pleased to announce the official launch of its Truth2Action initiative. This initiative focuses on the TRC Calls to Action and is aimed at improving the relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. With a mission of facilitating the healing process through increased understanding, respect, and collaboration, the Truth2Action team focuses on endeavors that promote truth-telling, justice, restitution, and addressing closing the economic gap.

Officially launched in the spring of 2023, this initiative offers support and guidance to organizations on their journey towards reconciliation through a number of programs.

The first is called Truth2Action: Reconciliation for Business. This program is Indigenous owned, developed and led, and combines an online, self-paced learning platform with an in-depth review and the development of a road map to help our clients redefine their workplace standards and culture. This provides a welcoming and inclusive space for participants to learn about Indigenous histories, cultures, and perspectives, where we were, where we are, and where we need to go, and provides safe space for partners to understand their roles in the reconciliation process. In addition to the online platform, flexible programming options – including a facilitated learning experience – are available to support the needs of clients.

The second is the Economic Business Partnership Program, which supports the development of holistic awareness of ‘wealth’ creation and sustainability through an Indigenous lens. Through this program, Truth2Action and its partners champion Economic Reconciliation by ensuring mutual equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities.

Jennefer Nepinak, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Reconciliation, is at the helm of this new initiative. She explained that truth – the hard truth – is at the heart of Reconciliation.

“Meaningful reconciliation cannot exist without us all learning the real history of our country and what it has done to Indigenous Peoples and communities,” Nepinak said. “Truth2Action emphasizes the critical role of truth-telling and action in the Reconciliation process and I believe that truth can create a brighter future for all Canadians.”

Truth2Action is Indigenous-owned, Indigenous-developed, and Indigenous-led. It offers a holistic, inclusive, and transparent approach to addressing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. The Truth2Action: Reconciliation for Business knowledge program was developed to help businesses and organizations improve their operations to support the TRC Call to Action #92, which calls on the corporate sector to actively engage in reconciliation. Work on the knowledge program began in 2019 with a partnership between the former Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Ron Evans, and Legacy Bowes, which is part of the TIPI Group of Companies.

SCO Grand Chief Jerry Daniels was the Keynote speaker during the official launch of Truth2Action, which took place at Long Plain First Nation’s Wyndham Garden Winnipeg Airport hotel. Daniels said he was happy to see that a partnership initially created by the AMC ’s former Grand Chief Evans has led to the development and implementation of what Call to Action #92 was all about.

“The work we’re talking about today is about changing culture and changing systems,” Daniels said. “I truly believe that the words and the program being shared here today need to be understood in an emotional and empathetic way. When you think about it, it’s about creating a better society here in Winnipeg, in Manitoba, and across Canada. It falls on the shoulders of everyone to create equity, opportunity, and hope.

“If we can create cultural change in Canada’s corporate sector, we’ll see more doors open. Through our partnerships, we can make it happen a lot quicker. So, I’m really grateful for the work that Jennefer, Nathan, and the TIPI Group of Companies is doing.”

TIPI Group of Companies CEO Nathan Ballantyne said he is excited about the work being done through Truth2Action and for the opportunities it will create across the country.

“The Truth2Action initiative is perfectly aligned with our vision of being a driver of economic reconciliation in Canada. We have become a bridge builder between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and businesses and this offering amplifies that,” Ballantyne said. “Our work in this space is Indigenous owned, developed, and led, and there is nobody better suited to do this work than us.”

Ernst Hansch Construction has partnered with Truth2Action to educate its staff with the Reconciliation for Business knowledge program. Ernst Hansch Construction Safety Manager Perry Schoffner shared his experiences with the program so far.

“Once we learn from the past, we can understand the now and hopefully make the future better through understanding and by working together,” Schoffner said. “This program takes you on a journey that is both emotional and educational. We are committed to change and recognize that through Truth2Action, we will now have the tools, resources, knowledge, and inspiration to make changes both as individuals and as an organization.”

For more information on the initiative, please visit: https://legacybowes.com/our-services/trc-call-to-action-92

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