By Legacy Bowes on Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Category: Working World

Job search tips to help you find your next role 

Spring is almost here! For some that might mean trying something new, for others it could mean a new career, job, or company.   

We are currently experiencing a candidates' market, where there are more available positions then there are candidates. This could provide job seekers with the opportunity to be considered for a role that's a stretch or a step up. In these instances, it's important to make a great impression and make yourself stand out in a crowd. If you’re looking for some tips on how to do that, continue reading for some tactics that can help you on your search. 


Helpful tips for jobseekers  

There are many reasons some may look for a new job: you are in a role that you love but would like to work for a company that you better align with; you are ready to take the next step in your career path; or you are currently out of work and want to find your dream role and company.  

Regardless of the why, there are some steps all job seekers can take to help them along the way.

Treat the job search as a job 

Make time in your schedule to network and look at job boards and postings. You don’t have to do this daily – it can quickly become tedious and discouraging. Instead, set a weekly goal to respond to a certain number of job postings or reach out to a number of people. Remember, effort is key – you will get back what you put in. 


Like and follow companies that inspire you or that you might want to work for on social media, especially LinkedIn. They will post jobs that you may not otherwise see through Indeed or other channels. It also can give you a small insight to how they operate and the effort they put in to find quality candidates for their job roles.  

Be strategic 

Reach out and build relationships with the recruiters in your city. Recruiters and talent acquisition professionals are very active on LinkedIn and are always seeking out candidates. You can find them by searching out people with titles that include key words like “recruitment”, “talent acquisition”, or even “human resources.” Check out their recent posts for any job openings they may be advertising.  

Even if there are no job postings relating to your current skillset or interests, connect with these individuals and send them a message indicating that you are looking for work, with a brief summary of your qualifications. This will get you into their database, and when a job relating to your skillset does come up, you will be top of mind.  

Step away  

Searching for a new job can be daunting and frustrating, and may feel like you’re not making any progress. Taking a break from scrolling though jobs will give your application feeds time to update with new ones that are coming to market, in addition to giving your brain a moment to breathe. Focus on your daily tasks, find time for old hobbies, or pursue new passions. 

Brush up on some skills 

Take the time to brush up on some skills. Virtual courses, seminars, and workshops are offered by many institutions, colleges, and other online training platforms. Set aside some time to learn new skills or hone the skills you already have.  

Update your resume  

Take a good look at your resume and see if there are areas that may need updating. Have you upgraded with extra courses? Does your resume include all of your education? Are there on-the-job skills that you’ve recently acquired? Have you recently spent time volunteering or giving back to your community? These are all things you could include on your resume to give yourself an edge.  

Some companies, like Legacy Bowes, offer resume writing/updating services. Use all tools to your advantage. 

Check your network 

Who do you already know? Reach out to your own network of family, old colleagues, and acquaintances to see if they know if anyone is hiring. These individuals can also be a great source of information if you’re looking to find out what the company culture is like too. The people in your network can be a key resource in your job hunt.  


As we mentioned earlier, if it is possible, volunteer your spare time to an organization or charity. It is good to help out where there are needs in your city, and volunteering also provides you an opportunity to gain new skills, meet new people, and expand your network.  

Keep a routine 

Particularly for those who are currently out of work, it’s important to keep to a routine everyday. Get out of bed and get ready every day as if you were going to work. This will help keep you motivated and help your mental well being. It is easy to sleep in, stay on that couch, and channel surf, but finding ways to be productive during the day helps to keep you in a positive frame of mind for when you do land that job and you go back to work.  



Things to keep in mind

One of the most important things for job seekers to do is to keep optimistic. A positive frame of mind can do a lot for your outlook on the job search as well in life. Know that it will come. Best of luck in finding that perfect opportunity! 

If you’re looking for additional support, we have a team of qualified talent acquisition professionals that can help point you in the right direction. Keep in touch! 


Additional resources